Friday, November 29, 2019
Psychosocial Development Erikson, (1902-194), Concluded That A Humans
Psychosocial Development Erikson, (1902-194), concluded that a humans development is determined genetically and that in order to move through each stage of development than they must be biologically, socially and psychologically ready. Erikson believed that the child's genes resembled a timetable and it is this genetic timetable that determines the child's stages of development. ?Erikson extended this principle to social and psychological growth; it is human nature to pass through a predetermined sequence of psychosocial stages which are genetically determined'. Gross, (R), The Science of Mind and Behaviour. (1996) The Psychosocial Stages Erikson concluded that every personality has a certain amount of trust and mistrust that is essential to development through the stages. Erikson did however suggest that although the time to develop trust is in infancy he did suggest that under develop trust could be further develop in later life however it would be harder to do. Basic Trust Versus Mistrust (0-1): - This stage is essential to the child's development of trust toward not just it's parents particularly the mother, but how it trusts the rest of the world. If a child is well loved i.e. affection, cuddles etc. then it will develop an adequate of trust for the world, however should the child receive inadequate care then it will grow to mistrust. Trust enables the child to experience situations without fear whereas mistrust causes the child to fear, behaving with suspicion possibly even withdrawal. Autonomy Versus Shame and Doubt (1-3): - A this stage the child becomes mobile, curious and generally more independent. The ability to be able to see itself as it's own person separate from it's parents is known as, ?Autonomy'. It is at this point that all the parents should still ensure the child's well being they should still maintain a caring attitude and safe environment. At this stage if the child is put down or lead to believe it is a failure on a continual basis then the child may develop a feeling of shame and doubt in it's abilities and it's environment. Allowing the child to do things for itself and learning by its mistakes gives the child confidence and an increased self-esteem. Doing things for the child all the time and telling the child they are wrong will have the reverse effect. It is at this stage that if a child is not praised and allowed to do things for itself that insecurity appears i.e. in the form of attention seeking. Initiative Versus Guilt (3-5/6): -The child is discovering and developing new abilities and because of this the child's desire for knowledge is also increasing. The child should be encouraged to ask questions and adequate answers should be given. Play is also a crucial part in the child's mental and physical development. If the parent try's to stop this question asking or play the child will develop a feeling of guilt about it's desire to learn. Industry Versus Inferiority (7-12): - At this stage other adults othe r than parents begin to have significance in the child's development. The child becomes interested in the way things work, and are carried out. Relationships with other children should also be encouraged, as children need to compare themselves with others in order to develop their own identity. Failing to offer the child the right resources, amenities, guidance and encouragement will result in the child feeling inferior. Self Concept ?In the social jungle of human existence, there is no feeling of being alive without a sense of ego identity', Erik Erikson, (1963), Moonie, N, (1995). Self-concept is an individual's perception of their personality. Along with the self-concept is Self-awareness; this is how an individual imagines how others see them. The Self-concept can be divided into three interlocking components, Self-image, Self-esteem and the Ideal-self. Self Image: - This refers to the way we describe ourselves physically, mentally and emotionally, be it good or bad. Kuhn & McPo rtland (1954) Gross p.519 Suggest that the self image maybe broken into three categories, ?Social Roles', the aspects of our self-image that are objective i.e., student, employee, partner. Others can confirm these aspects they are definite aspects ?Personality Traits': - these aspects of our self-image that we perceive of ourselves may be
Monday, November 25, 2019
A study on the difficulties in teaching and learning English speaking to non-English major freshmen at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry (HUI) Essays
A study on the difficulties in teaching and learning English speaking to non-English major freshmen at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry (HUI) Essays A study on the difficulties in teaching and learning English speaking to non-English major freshmen at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry (HUI) Paper A study on the difficulties in teaching and learning English speaking to non-English major freshmen at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry (HUI) Paper A study on the difficulties in teaching and learning English speaking to non-English major freshmen at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry (HU) BY datsY27101989 CERTIFICATE OF ORIGINALITY OF STUDY PROJECT REPORT TITLE: A study on the difficulties in teaching and learning English speaking to non-English major freshmen at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry (HOI) Date of submission: 16/05/2013 Name: VO THI KIM COC Supervisors Name: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Hung Tien Tutors Name : Le Huong Hoa, M. A l certify that this work is entirely my own and has not been accepted as part of a submission to another purpose elsewhere. Signed: Word length: words ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study has been completed with the help and support of many people. Therefore, I am grateful to all of them. Most importantly, I wish to give my special acknowledgement to Mr. Le Hung Tien, my supervisor, who has made a significant contribution to the success of this research. He shaped me on the path toward being an independent researcher. I also would like to give my thanks for Ms. Le Huong Hoa, my tutor. Dear Ms. Hoa, thank you for your initial ideas of the research topic and your support during the time I was conducting the research. You have invested a lot of energy and valuable time counseling and correcting my study. Without your help and support, I would have been in much trouble completing my study. Working with you, I have learned a lot of valuable knowledge and experiences in doing research. Besides, I would like to Mrs. Dinh Thi Hoa, lecturer of Faculty of Foreign Languages at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry, who gave me advice on my study. Her advice and guidance helped me overcome difficulties while I was implementing the research. No acknowledgement would be completed without thanking my parents who always nspired me so much in finishing this research. I also want to give acknowledgement to my friends who spent their time to help me analyze my paper and provide insightful comments. TABLE OF CONTENTS SUPERVISORS REMARKS Grade: Supervisor Assoc. Prof. Dr. Le Hung Tien ABSTRACT The research carried out under the title A study on the difficulties in teaching and learning English speaking to non-English major freshmen at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry. The obstacles in teaching and learning speaking skill are surveyed in some selected classes and observed by the researcher. Interviews are also organized o get supplementary results for the questionnaires. All the quantitative and qualitative methods are conveyed to get data for the research. As the result, teachers and students have different difficulties in teaching and learning speaking skill. In classes, the teachers surveyed meet difficulties with the large size of classes, studentslow motivation, studentsinsuffcient English competence, and so on while students meet obstacles such as difficult lessons, teachers unsuitable teaching methods, and the worries of making mistakes. In summary, all the difficulties originate from objective and subjective reasons. The rationale of the study: Nowadays, English plays an important role in the society. The number of people English speaking is becoming popularly. Speaking skill is one of the inevitable skills in learning English. Penny Ur (1996:120) noted, Speaking seems intuitively the most important in four basic skills. In fact, through speaking, people can express their opinions, make social contact with others people, establish rapport. In some situation, we use English speaking to give instructions or to get things done. That is also a reason why today more and more people learn to speak English. Most of the learners of English agree that the ability to express themselves freely in communication is the great importance for their future career, especially in modern societies where contacting with foreigners often occurs. However, there still exist many difficulties in learning and teaching English in Vietnam in general and at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry (HOI) in particular. Many Vietnamese learners can write and read English quite well but they cannot speak it correctly and fluently in real-life communication. Surely, there are many reasons for this reality. After teaching the non-English major tudents especially freshmen at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry for some years, I have recognized some big obstacles which prevent English language teachers and learners in Vietnam from achieving their aims. These obstacles are: large and heterogeneous classes, students low level of English language proficiency, students low motivation and some others. Unfortunately, this is not only the situation in these universities but also the case for many other colleges and universities in Vietnam. This has given me the desire to conduct A study on the difficulties in teaching and of Industry 2. Aims of the study: The research investigates the reality of teaching and learning English speaking skill to non-English major freshmen at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry. The main goal of the research is to identify the difficulties of teacher and students when they deal with speaking skill. 3. Research questions of the study: 1 . What are the difficulties of teacher at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry when teaching English speaking to non-English major freshmen? 2. What are the difficulties of non-English major freshmen at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry when learning the English speaking? 4. The scope of the study: Teaching and learning the English speaking skill is a wide field for research. In the scope of this study due to the limited time and knowledge, the study focuses on difficulties in teaching and learning English speaking to the first-year students of non-English major at HI-Jl. 5. Methods of the study: To fullflll the above aims, the investigator has chosen both qualitative and quantitative methods for the study. Data for analysis are gained through the following sources: Survey questionnaires: this method is used to find out the difficulties the teacher and first-year students of non-English major at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry when they learn and teach English speaking. The questionnaires are useful for getting data of the attitudes and behaviors of the teachers and learners when facing these difficulties. It is very convenient for the significant in getting more qualitative data by getting closer to the objects of the study. Moreover, observation done by the researcher is leading to more objective data and open new perspective of the study. 6. Design of the study: This minor study consists of two parts: Part A- INTRODUCTION: states the rationale, aims, research questions, the scope, ethod and design of the study. Part B- DEVELOPMENT: includes three chapters: Chapter I -LITERATURE REVIEW: provides theoretical background that is relevant to the purpose of the study. Chapter II -METHODOLOGY: presents the methodology of the study including the research context, methods of study, research design. Chapter Ill -FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION: deals with the data analysis of two questionnaires designed for English teachers and non-English major freshmen to find out their difficulties in teaching and learning speaking skill. PART S: DEVELOPMENT 1. 1. Speaking Skill: 1. 1. 1 . Concepts of Speaking: Speaking is the productive, oral skill. Speaking consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning (utterances are simply things people say). According to Carter David Nunans book (2001 :19), speaking is an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information and it is often spontaneous, open-ended and evolving, but it is not completely unpredictable. Speaking is fundamental to human communication. Different linguistics has different concepts of speaking but they are all agreeing with this idea. Brown also defines in her book speaking as an process of constructing meaning that involves producing, receiving and processing information, (1994:241). In Brown and Yules opinions in teaching the Spoken Language book (1983:236), spoken language consists of short, fragmentary utterances in a range of pronunciation. Usually, there is a great deal of repetition and overlap between one speaker and another. Speaker usually uses non-specific references. They also add that spoken language is made by using the loosely organized syntax, and non-specific words, phrases and filters such as Oh, well, uhuh, etc. A comprehensive discussion of the nature of speaking is provided by Bygate (1991 59), who shows that in order to be able to speak a foreign language, it is obviously necessary to have micro-linguistic skills, that is, to understand some grammar, vocabulary and the rules governing how words are put together to form sentences. However, these motor-perceptive skills, as Bygate calls them, are not sufficient since while producing sentences, we often have to adapt them to the circumstances. He then presents the second set of speaking skills: the interaction skills, which involve using knowledge and basic motor- erception skills in deciding what to say and how to say it, while maintaining the intended relation with others. 1. 1. 2. The Role and Status of Speaking in Language Learning and Teaching: As it was implied in the introduction, the skill of speaking has been recently considered by many methodologists a priority in language teaching. Of all the four skills, Ur (1996: 120) concludes, speaking seems intuitively the most important. Most language learners, she adds, are primarily interested in learning to speak. Similar view is held by Nunan, who says that the ability to operate in a second anguage can be actually equated to the ability to speak that language. Hedge (2000:258) gives the evidence that speaking has recently obtained, at least from textbook writers, the attention it deserves: Learners need to develop at the same time the knowledge of grammar, vocabulary, functional language and communicative skills. Attention to the systems of language is crucial, but the development of fluency and contextual appropriate are equally important goals. The reasons for learning to speak competently are formulated as follows: Learners may need the skill to establish nd maintain relationships, to negotiate, to influence people. Speaking is the skill by which learners are assessed when the first impression is formed in Hedges book (2000: 261). 1. 2. Difficulties in Teaching and Learning to Speak English Skill: 1. 2. 1 . Difficulties from Teacher: There is no learning without teaching. So as a tool of implementing teaching plans learning. Quite a few researches have discussed the relationship between teacher talk and language learning. As Nunan (1991:203) points out: Teacher talk is of crucial importance, not only for the organization of the classroom but also for the processes f acquisition. It is important for the organization and management of the classroom because it is through language that teachers either succeed or fail in implementing their teaching plans. In terms of acquisition, teacher talk is important because it is probably the major source of comprehensible target language input the learner is likely to receive. The amount and type of teacher talk is even regarded as a decisive factor of success or failure in classroom teaching. Moreover, to make the process of teaching and learning effective, it is very essential to build a friendly, non-threatening lassroom atmosphere which is created on the basis of a close teacher-learner relationship. Therefore, inappropriate teacher pedagogical practices through not only classroom teacher talk but also classroom teacher-learner relationship have also been seen as a major contributor to the difficulties in teaching speaking skill. 1. 2. 2. Difficulties from Students: In speaking class, besides the active learners, some learners feel shy or afraid to speak or express their ideas, especially when students are being asked to give personal information or opinions. Maybe students fear to lose face in front of their lassmates. Referring to this problem, David Nunan noted in his book (1999:231), In the recent informal survey that I carried out with colleagues, reluctance to speak on the part of student was seen as their biggest challenge. In the speaking activities, pronunciation plays an important role; it is the way for students to produce clearer language when they speak. If they pronounce wrong, no one can understand what they want to say. Howatt talked about this problem in Ronald Carter and David Nunans book (2001: 14), it was essential that the learners pronunciation should be orrect before moving on to texts. Besides that, the local accent is also another reason so that they need to practice the right pronunciation. They must follow a standard accent to pronounce exactly. Another aspect of speaking that is particularly relevant for second language speakers concerns whether or not the speaking is planned or spontaneous (David Nunan, 2001:227). With speaking performance, students often have mistakes on grammatical points such as word using, tense and sentence structure because there are differences on structure, tenses, and word order between English and Vietnamese. Thus, to speak a language, one must know how the language is used in a social context Richards Renandya (2002:206). Being influenced by the mother tongue, learners sometime cannot use word appropriately and speak English like native speakers because each language has its own rules of usage. That is the main reason preventing students ability of English speaking. There are some situations happening in classroom. Teachers give students a topic to speak, but they cannot present the topic. The reason for this problem is that students do not have enough knowledge, vocabulary or they are not major in this topic. When students do not have idea to express the topic, it can be easy for students to feel boring in speaking class. Therefore, in order to improve the speaking skill, students not only understand the basic knowledge involving in many different fields but also have a large knowledge of vocabulary. As Canale and Swain proposed, competence, sociolinguistic competence, and strategic competence, which reflect the use of the linguistic system and the functional aspects of communication, respectively, Richards and Renandyas book (2002:206). CHAPTER II: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 2. 1 . Method context: . 1. 1 . Description of the English course for non-English major freshmen and its objectives at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry: The study is conducted at Ho Chi Minh university of Industry. They must spend the first two years learning Basic English. They learn integrated skills (speaking, listening, reading and writing) in a 12 credit course in three semesters. Students learn the textbooks American Headway 1B, American Headway 2A, American Headway 2B. The aim of this course for non-English major freshmen is to develop students communicative competence in English. After he course, students are expected to communicate in English at the intermediate level. Students will normally learn English to communicate with other people fluently after finishing their study at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry. . 1. 2. Description of the non-English major freshmen at HOI: Most of non-English major freshmen at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry must learn English from the first semester (at the beginning of the first year) to the second or third semester (at the end of the first year). They start at different levels of English and learn different majors such as Electrical, Electronic, Mechanical, Chemical Engineering, Environment, Information T echnology, Business Administration, Finance and Banking. Students who have a certain competence of English forget a part what they learned after the long time they prepared for the university entrance examination. 2. 1. 3. Description of the English teachers at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry: Most of English teachers teach English for non-English major students are from Faculty of Foreign Languages at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry. Most of them graduated from some institutions r universities of training teachers of English such as Ho Chi Minh University of Pedagogy, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, or other universities in Australia, Canada and English. The qualification status of teaching contingent is that of the teachers are enthusiastic and active in teaching. The frequent meeting or discussions on how to improve the teaching and learning quality are held to get new ideas about changing teaching and learning methods as well as adapting materials appropriate to students. 2. 2. Methods of study: The study employs both quantitative and qualitative research methods. This is, according to WisJer. G (2001 :138) a common approach. Questionnaires are used as a kind of quantitative method of study to collect information from teachers and students. The questionnaires include both closed and open-ended questions which give teachers and students chance to express their opinions on the difficulties of teaching and learning English speaking skill. Besides that, interviews and group observation are used to get quantitative data for the study. Their in-dept thinking noted during the interview will help the researcher have more sights looks into the study issue. Moreover, observations give a condition for the researcher to check whether the teachers and students do what they say in the lessons. . 3. Research design: 2. 3. 1 . Sample and sampling: The data of the study is collected from two main sources: survey questionnaires and interviews. The survey questionnaire is conducted among 1 5 teachers who have from 3 to 10 years in teaching English to non-English major students at Ho Chi Minh University of Industry. The questionnaires for non-English major students are delivered to 150 students learning in three groups. They are first-year students who re taking part in a second semester of their English course. 2. 3. 2. Research Instruments: The data for the study comes from both a quantitative method called survey questionnaires, and two qualitative methods mainly interview and group observation. 2. 3. 3. Data analysis: Data analysis is not only the process of reading out the data collected but the process of interpreting data under the viewpoint and experience of the researcher. The analysis will bring a lot of suppositions in the research question into light. These results will be presented in forms of tables and chart that help to compare different iewpoints of teachers and students on the research problems. CHAPTER Ill: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION This part will deal with the data analysis of two questionnaires designed for English teachers and non-English major freshmen to find out their difficulties in teaching and learning English speaking skill. BOOKS: 1 . Brown, H. D. (1994). Teaching by Principles: an Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. Prentice Hall. 2. Brown, G. Yule, G. (1983). Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge University Press. 3. Bygate. (1987). Speaking. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4. David Nunan. 1999). Second Language Teaching Learning. Heinle Heinle Publishers. 5. Jack C. Richards and Willy A. Renandya. (2002). Methodology in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. 6. Ronald Carter David Nunan (2001). The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages. Cambridge University Press. 7. Tricia Hedge. (2000). Teaching and Learning in the Language Classroom. Oxford University Press. 8. Ur, P. (1996). A Course in Language Teaching. Cambridge University Press. 9. Wisker, G. (2001), The Postgraduate Research Handbook, Palgrave Study Guides
Friday, November 22, 2019
Benefit Analysis in Project Management â⬠Free Samples to Students
Allsports Sports Club is a place where many outdoor games like cricket, football and even athletics are conducted along with some indoor games like table tennis and others. The club is very much popular in the vicinity. There are many thousand members of the club who es to play these games on daily basis. A weekly newsletter is being released here on every Wednesday with articles on sports and few advertisement of outside business. The hitch is the release of this newsletter which is being supervised by Club President. The main objective of the report is to solve few technical and operational issues being faced by Club president on daily life to release the newsletter on timely basis. For which the owner has awarded us the contract to provide the solution. For the releasing of newsletter on every Wednesday, it is the duty of editor to collect and publish the articles based on the sports activities happened till last Saturday and moreover every week the editor need to change and every member need to be given equal opportunity of b ing the editor. But it remains the responsibility of Club president to see that all the members are getting equal chance. President is having only the word and spreadsheet as the software to manage the information related to many thousand members. President had to face many issues on daily basis to manage such big database. Few issues are listed below: So maintaining these information in spreadsheet needs vigorous and accurate filtering and maintain such dynamic information where every day the activities or the database need to be updated then only the next course of action can be finalised. So in such dynamic situation where daily there are ments and the whole system requirements changes accordingly the only methodology which fits in this situation is the Agile methodology of developing the system. The selected method that is Agile methodology for developing the information system of Allsports Sports Club is the best approach because it is a people centric project where every moment some ments need to be updated an again modify the system to generate the desired result (McLaughlin, 2017). So the merits of this methodology can be used with for below betterment of the system are: The sutomated system can be used to store an manage all the information related to thousands of stakeholders This methodology is the best option for this kind of changing conditions So Agile methodology option is the best approach to develop the desired system The primary required functions required to develop Allsports Sports Club System are: Unique registration ID is must for all users: so that the users who all are logging and for long they are logged in can be tracked, so that the exact work hours can be defined for the staffs to develop the publication. Verification of users: need to be done to prevent entry of any unwanted person in to the system and all the personal data shall remain intact. System must be accessible from all locations: so that members need not e to club physically for writing the articles and they can sit anywhere and write it, even after writing either they can upload in the system or e-mail to editor for further action. Proper functioning of the large database: is must to show desirable information. Window view wise access: is required to be provided depending on the person. The administrative access must be available with Club President to enable access to all folders. Generation of proper notification and follow-up system: is required for timely releasing of newsletter Always show pending tasks for the week: for developing the newsletter on time Highlight next weekââ¬â¢s editor name from 1 week before itself: to help club president in municating with him well in advance Common format of newsletter: need to be maintained to save last minute run for the format arrangement The non-functional requirements for developing Allsports Sports Club System are: Secured enough: the system need to installed good quality firewalls to prevent from any probable attack and preserve the information related to users. Accessible from all devices: to provide flexibility to users and ease of developing the articles System must be well understandable: for proper optimum use of the software. As per (Wrike, 2017) the cost benefit analysis in the field of project management is a great tool which can provide information regarding the parison between the investment made Vs the benefits incurred due to the investment. In this technique, all the expenditures are calculated together and arranged in time phase manner, then similarly the profits or benefits are also calculated and tabulated (refer table 1). Then the difference between both the expenditures and the benefits can provide NPV (Net present value), IRR (Internal rate of Return), ROI (Return on Investment) and Pay-back period. The more NPV, IRR & ROI are positive and the less Pay-back period is good for the project and is advisable for investment. WBS or the Work Breakdown Structure is a hierarchical structure being developed to breakdown the total scope of work to a meaningful level which can be tracked and controlled easily and supervised (Gordon and McDonough, 2016). This tool is mainly useful for the senior management or the project sponsor to look at the progress of the project at a single sheet. So here the total scope of system development is divided in the project management processes, that is ââ¬ËInitiationââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËPlanningââ¬â¢, ââ¬ËExecutionââ¬â¢ and ââ¬ËClosingââ¬â¢. Then in next stage these levels are further divided in to work activity level. Now once the Gantt chart is developed, we can observe that there are merely 4 activities out of critical path, so the whole schedule is almost critical and all the activities need to be controlled properly to void any delay in the overall duration of the project. The total project duration is 3.5 months. The people who are anyways related to the projectââ¬â¢s success or failure or can influence are known as the stakeholders of the project (Miller, 2017). Majorly the stakeholders can be sub divided in two parts; one is ââ¬ËInternal Stakeholdersââ¬â¢ and the other ââ¬ËExternal Stakeholderââ¬â¢. The investigation techniques are required for proper tracking and confirming the process involved in the project life cycle are running well and the product shall be delivered well within time and budgeted cost. Audit of document and processes: this is the technique where the documents and the processes of projects are being checked thoroughly to find any lacunas; the audit is also scheduled at regular interval to check the system correctness and for further improvement too. This method is useful for the system development, as we are using Agile methodology and after some point of time Agile has a tendency to run out of budget if not checked at every step. Interview of individuals: it is the process of obtaining correct and unbiased information regarding the project progress or some issues. Here one to one interview is conducted with some pre- set questionnaires. It is useful for the system because the questionnaires are set by some expert in the same field and the collection of unbiased response can really help in finding any issue or the rrot cause. Discussion by organising a meeting: it is the organised official meeting being conducted between the subject experts to provide their point of view and then other can debate and after some pint of time the team of experts can reach to a mon and best consensus. It is very much useful if the participants have good exposure of the topic of discussion. The chosen methodology of the system development procedure is the real achievement of the report, as Agile can be the best fit for the type of project it is. Moreover, the investigation techniques are very strong so that each step can be verified well before providing further. Currently there is no constraint, but the budget can be constraints after some progress of the project, since Agile has a tendency to overshoot the budget due to continuous development and a clear budget cannot be finalised at very beginning of the project. It is to conclude that the schedule time and budget as o now seems to be achievable and the project is very much beneficial at this point. Gordon, Ann and Michele McDonough. 2016. What is a Work Breakdown Structure? [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. Available from World Wide Web: McLaughlin, Mike. 2017. What Is Agile Methodology? [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. Available from World Wide Web: Miller, Mike. 2017. Project Stakeholders: Definition, Role & Identification. [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. Available from World Wide Web: Wrike. 2017. What is Cost Benefit Analysis in Project Management? [online]. [Accessed 20 August 2017]. 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Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words - 4
Business law - Essay Example Mary has not committed any tort because her derogatory remarks for Lonnie were not published. Also, the given facts do not indicate that she prompted Bill to make a citizenââ¬â¢s arrest. She was also unaware of the companyââ¬â¢s new policy and her accusations were based on what Bill her told her. Lonnie has not committed any tort because he acted within the rules. He had paid for the colored pencils that he took. Bill and Maryââ¬â¢s not knowing was not Lonnieââ¬â¢s fault because he was not responsible for the promulgation of the new policy. Bill may defend himself using the fact that he did not have any knowledge of the companyââ¬â¢s new policy. However, he will also have to prove that Lonnie concealed the colored pencils, he tried to get away with them and Billââ¬â¢s 20 minute detention was because he was running away. If a claim of defamation is made against Mary, she can defend herself by contending that her derogatory speech to Lonnie was not published. She can also contend that Bill acted on his own when he made a faulty citizenââ¬â¢s arrest of Lonnie. Lonnie cannot by charged with any tort because he has not committed any tort. He acted upon his knowledge that his employer allowed him to purchase office supplies at cost and he took the colored pencils after paying for them. Bill made a citizenââ¬â¢s arrest of Lonnie upon his belief that he had stolen the colored pencils. His arrest is justified but the unreasonable detention is not. He must have been able to hand over the culprit to the police right away. If Lonnie was trying to run away and keeping on fighting, only then the 20 minute detention will be justified. 2. A contract that is formed by coercion, undue influence, misrepresentation, fraud or a mistake is a voidable contract. It is voidable at the option of the aggrieved party i.e. such party has the option to declare the contract void or valid. 5. The signage notification of an
Monday, November 18, 2019
COCA-COLA COMPANY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
COCA-COLA COMPANY - Essay Example The corporation has been in operation for 129 years since inception in 1886 (Bodden, 2009, p. 3). Coca-Cola is an American corporation listed on the New York Securities Exchange. The company is headquartered in Atlanta Georgia but operates globally in over 200 countries. Coca- Cola owns or license and market over 500 non-alcoholic beverages. Mostly they deal with sparkling beverages, waters, enhanced waters, juice, ready-to-drink teas and coffees and energy drinks. The company was listed as the fourth in Worldââ¬â¢s Most Valuable Brands as of May 2015.Coca-Colaââ¬â¢s rivals in the market are mainly Pepsi Co Inc. and Dr. Peppers Snapple Group Inc. Pepsi competes with Coca-Cola on the global market while Dr. Peppers challenges Coca-Cola mainly in the US market. The market location explains why Dr. Peppers Snapple Group Inc. shares rose than the two rivals in February 2015. Unlike Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Dr. Peppers does not suffer major issues associated with foreign currency fluctu ations. Pepsi is also more diversified than Coca-Cola. It also operates in the food industry. Fierce competition continues, and demand carbonated drinks that Coca-Cola relies on decreases. Now Coca-Cola's CEO, Muhtar Kent announced plans to lay off around 1800 employees to reduce cost. However with a market in the global beverage industry of 30% and market capital of 183 US billion dollars, Coca-Cola remains a global giant (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, 2015 retrieved from
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Railroads and the American Expansion into the West Essay Example for Free
Railroads and the American Expansion into the West Essay The transcontinental railroad construction began on the West Coast in 1863. The Chinese comprised a major part of the work force that built the Central Pacific railroad eastward, over the high Sierras, and across the deserts of the West ââ¬â to Promontory, Utah, where on May 1869, it linked up with the Union Pacific whose workers, of Irish, Scottish, German and Italian descent, started in Omaha, Nebraska. The railroad reduced the cross-country trip, from Boston to San Francisco, from six months to one week. When the rails from the opposite sides were almost a the point of meeting, the whole country listened in for news of Promontory. And then a cannon faced over the Pacific and one over the Atlantic went off simultaneously flashing a signal across the United States. Crowds cheered. There was a frenzy of celebration. It was an enormous event for the country. The famous Golden Spike ceremony on May 10, 1869 at Promontory, Utah, commemorated the completion of Americas first transcontinental railroad. The event marked the uniting of the country that had only recently fought the Civil War, and therefore had most special significance. The transcontinental nation became a reality (Williams 4) During the nineteenth century in America, the railroad represented civilization moving into the wilderness. As early as 1835 the U. S Senate discussed surveying the west to build a Transcontinental railroad. However, railroad technology had not yet developed strong enough motive power to cross the mountainous west. That great feat was left to the next generation of railroaders. During the 1840ââ¬â¢s the phrase ââ¬Å"Manifest Destinyâ⬠was coined to explain the growth of the United States. It was argued that the country had a right, a God-given destiny, to expand from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans and to govern all the land in between. However, the nationââ¬â¢s fulfillment of its Manifest Destiny or expansion had to wait until after the Civil War. In the meantime, the railroads increased the population of the United States east of the Mississippi and created a bustling economy with its rapid transporting of goods to and from the larger east-coast cities. Following the Civil War, the railroads made it possible for expansion into the Trans-Mississippi West to the Pacific Ocean. People in the area were assured there was a way to get their products to market, and to receive information and manufactured goods to make their work and lives easier. In the second half of the nineteenth century, the railroads merged vast territories into one nation by creating dependable economic, social and communications unity. The railroads linked California with states in the east, even as they helped the interior regions become quickly populated. Towns sprang up along the track around water and coaling stations for the locomotives. Many times, the men who laid the tracks purchased property and settled down on farms. Prospectors for gold, silver, iron and oil continued to push west to dig mines, pan streams and drill fields in Colorado, Montana, Nevada, and California. At the same time, growing cities back in the east needed more workers for heavy industries, textile mills, machine shops and garment factories and the need was met by migrating Blacks, French Canadians, and a new surge of immigrants from throughout Europe. The first Transcontinental Railroad has been called the engineering marvel of the 19th century, it opened new economies in the American west, while consuming vast quantities of its natural resources; it birthed one way of life on the Great Plains, and destroyed another. In the process of relentless American expansion into the West, the Indian tribes were largely seen as obstacles. For their part, the Indians regarded the white settlers began streaming across the plains toward gold in California and then nearby Colorado, Indians as a new force of nature ââ¬â mostly a dangerous one. The white travelers spread smallpox and typhoid. The Indians faced it increasingly difficult to find game. Elk and buffalo, antelope was becoming more difficult to pursue because the people who came on the trains were also after them, either for food or sport. Even by the time Pacific Railroad construction began, starvation and disease had already wracked the Cheyenne, the Sioux and the Arapaho. Over the decades, the Indian tribes was severely affected by the encroachment of white settlers and the imposition of federal policies. The United States adopted a policy of relocating tribes farther west or isolating them on reservations. As many see it now, the federal Indian policy was characterized by one primary goal: pushing aside Indian tribes to facilitate the exploitation of the Wests bountiful natural resources. The U. S. Government began to make treaties with the Plains Indians during the 1850s to 1871. Treaties remained as the legal means to snatch Indian homelands away from them, though they created Indian reservations throughout the West. However, federal Indian policy during the period from 1870 through 1900 shifted the focus from creating reservations to gradually assimilating the Indians into the regular population. While the railroads were a symbol of the relentless march of progress, this progress exacted a heavy toll on many traditional peoples and their centuries-old cultures which were alien to its ways. Reference: Williams, John Hoyt. A Great Shining Road: The Epic Story of the Transcontinental Railroad. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press. 1988.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Open Boat :: essays research papers
The Open Boat is a particularly interesting story because of the great detail that author extends and because of the solitary reflections of the characters in consideration of their demise. The story possesses amazingly vivid description. This attention to detail affords the reader the greatest degree of reading pleasure. Crane paints such glorious images in reader's mind with his eloquence. "The morning appeared finally, in its splendor, with a sky of pure blue, and the sunlight flamed on the tips of waves"(387). Artistic sentences of such caliber are not often found. The reader is left with a terrific vision of the perilous sea maintaining its beauty amongst the violence of the wind. "Their back- bones had become thoroughly used to balancing in the boat and they now rode this wild colt of a dinghy like circus men"(378). Here, again, Crane uses splendid detail to capture the essence of the chaotic situation. Another attribute to the story is the insight which the third person narrator offers to the reader regarding the sailors' state of mind. Particularly interesting, is the reference to the poem "Bingen on the Rhine". Until the correspondent must contemplate his own death on the cold and desolate seas, he does not realize the tragedy of a soldier of the legion dying in Algiers. Also, not only did he not realize the significance, he says that, "it was less to him than the breaking of a pencil's point"(385). Again, towards the end of the story, the narrator describes the bitterness the correspondent feels towards nature when he realizes that after all his efforts he may not live to appreciate his being. Observations such as these are not encountered frequently until confronted with death and the conveyance of these thoughts is insightful and meaningful to the reader. The only depreciative factor in the story is the length.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Language and Composition Prompts Essay
1981The Rattlerâ⬠- analyze effect on reader ââ¬â consider organization, point of view, language, detail. George Bernard Shaw letter ââ¬â describe writerââ¬â¢s attitude toward mother & her cremation ââ¬â diction and detailThomas Szasz ââ¬â argue for or against his position on the struggle for definition. Use readings, study, or experience. 1982A reading on happiness ââ¬â summarize his reasons for his opinion and explain why you agree or not with his opinion Analyze the strategies or devices (organization, diction, tone, detail) that make Gov. Stevensonââ¬â¢s Cat Veto argument effective. Describe a place, conveying feeling through concrete and specific detail. 1983A quote on change ââ¬â Select a change for the better that has occurred or that you want to occur; analyze its desirable and undesirable effects Excerpt from Thomas Carlyleââ¬â¢s Past and Present ââ¬â define Carlyleââ¬â¢s attitude toward work and analyze how he uses language to convinceâ⬠¦. Agree or disagree with the position in the passage on living in an era of language inflation by considering the ethical and social consequences of language inflation. 1984Explain the nature and importance of two or three means by which you keep track of time and discuss how these means reveal your person. (Hint given about ââ¬Å"inner clocks. â⬠) Percy Bysshe Shelley and John Milton ââ¬â two very short quotes on freedom ââ¬â describe the concept of freedom in each; discuss the differences. A passage on a boxing match between Benny Paret, a Cuban, and Emile Griffith ââ¬â Analyze how diction, syntax, imagery, and tome produce an effect on the reader. 1985Contrast stylistic and rhetorical differences between two passages on the Soviet Launch of the first space satellite Discuss the probable reasons for an anonymous writerââ¬â¢s additions and deletions and the ways in which those revisions change the effect of the paragraph. Two drafts that record the writerââ¬â¢s thoughts on how the experience of war affected his attitude toward language. Defend a position or one or more issues raised in the passage about the state of television in the United States. 1986Explain how two passages by N. Scott Momaday and Dee Brown, which describe similar landscapes, reveal the differences in the authorsââ¬â¢ purposes. Consider diction, syntax, imagery, and tone. Choose one or more pairs of words from a list and discuss and elaborate on the distinctions between the paired words. Consider how, when, why, and by whom each word might be used. Evaluate the truth of the assertion in the quotation that human nature wants patterns, standards, and structures of behavior. 1987Agree or disagree with E. M. Forsterââ¬â¢s view that personal relations are more important than causes or patriotism. Analyze how Zora Neale Hurston enriches our sense of her childhood world through her diction and manipulation of point of view. Describe some major features of the language used in one specific group ââ¬â occupational, ethnic, social, or age, etc. Indicate the purpose these features serve or what influences they reflect. 1988Evaluate Alexis De Tocquevilleââ¬â¢s assertions about democracy and aristocracy and his assertion that democracy ââ¬Å"throws [man] back forever upon himself alone. â⬠Analyze Frederick Douglassââ¬â¢ language, especially the figures of speech and syntax, to convey his states of mind upon escaping slavery and arriving in New York in 1838. Pretend to contribute to a magazine or newspaper; write an article describing a place you know well that might be of interest to readers. Define the significance, use descriptive detail to make attitude clear. 1989Argue for or against the validity of the implied criticism of a church bulletin [text given] reprinted without other comment in a magazine under the heading ââ¬Å"The Religious Life. â⬠Describe the rhetorical purpose of Martin Luther Kingââ¬â¢s Why We Canââ¬â¢t Wait. Analyze its stylistic, narrative, and persuasive devices. Missing 1990From an autobiography of a professional woman pilot in Africa, analyze how the authorââ¬â¢s juxtaposition of ideas, choice of details, and other aspects of style reveal her personality. Analyze stylistic and rhetorical differences between two nineteenth century descriptions of the Galapagos IslandsVividly and concretely describe one person seen at two different times or in two different situations so readers understand the difference in your attitude, thus proving perceptions of people differ according to peopleââ¬â¢s attitudes and circumstances 1991Analyze the language and rhetorical devices Igor Stravinsky uses to convey his point of view about orchestra conductors. Analyze how Richard Rodriquezââ¬â¢s presentation of the events in the passage suggests his attitude toward his family and himself. Consider narrative structure, detail, manipulation of language, and tone. Write a persuasive essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies the assertion that ââ¬Å"For in much wisdom is much grief, and increase of knowledge is increase of sorrowâ⬠(Ecclesiastes). 1992Analyze Queen Elizabeth Iââ¬â¢s diction, imagery, and sentence structure to achieve her purpose in her speech to her troops at Tilbury, 1588. Using your observation, experience, or reading, defend, challenge, or qualify Joseph Addisonââ¬â¢s assertion that men use ridicule to ââ¬Å"laugh men out of virtue and good sense. â⬠Considering the choice of the word ââ¬Å"crippleâ⬠and other rhetorical features, such as tone, word choice, and rhetorical structure, analyze how Nancy Mairs, who has multiple sclerosis, presents herself. 1993Compare the rhetorical strategies ââ¬â such as arguments, assumptions, attitudes, diction ââ¬â used by characters from Jane Austen (1813) and Charles Dickens (1865). Comment on both intended and probable effects of the proposals on the women being addressedDefend, challenge, or qualify H. L. Menckenââ¬â¢s views about the artistââ¬â¢s relation to society. Refer to particular writers, composers, or other artists. Read the paragraph for E. M. Forsterââ¬â¢s 1936 essay ââ¬Å"My Wood. â⬠Define E. M. Forsterââ¬â¢s attitude toward the experience of owning property and analyze that attitude; consider Forsterââ¬â¢s word choice, manipulation of sentences, and use of Biblical Allusions 1994From an excerpt of Sir George Savileââ¬â¢s essay about King Charles II (1630 ââ¬â 1685), define the attitude Savile would like us to adopt about Charles II and analyze the rhetorical strategies employed to promote that attitude. Defend, challenge, or qualify Barbara Tuchmanââ¬â¢s claim that ââ¬Å"wooden- headedness plays a remarkably large role â⬠¦ in human affairs. â⬠Use evidence and/or your observations. (From The March of Folly)Characterize and analyze Joan Didionââ¬â¢s view of the Santa Ana winds. Consider her stylistic elements, such as diction, imagery, syntax, structure, tone, and selection of detail. 1995In 1860, John Ruskin argued for giving precedence to the soldier rather than to the merchant or manufacturer. Evaluate his argument. (Excerpt included)Analyze the rhetorical techniques Ellen Goodman uses to convey her attitude toward Phil, the subject of her piece, ââ¬Å"The Company Man. â⬠After reading his paragraph, defend, challenge, or qualify James Baldwinââ¬â¢s ideas about the importance of language as a ââ¬Å"key to identityâ⬠and social acceptance. Use your observation, experience, or readings. 1996Read the passage from Lady Mary Wortley Montagueââ¬â¢s letter to her daughter. Analyze how Lady Mary (1689 ââ¬â 1762) uses rhetorical strategies and stylistic devices to convey her views about the role knowledge played in the lives of women of her time. Read the passage from A Summer Life and analyze some of the ways in which Gary Soto recreates the experience of his guilty six-year old self. Consider such devices as contrast, reputation, pacing, diction, and imagery. Using your own knowledge and experience, defend, challenge, or qualify Lewis Laphamââ¬â¢s view of ââ¬Å"the American faith in moneyâ⬠from Money and Class in America. (25 line excerpt included. ) 1997Read the passage from Meena Alexanderââ¬â¢s Fault Lines and analyze how Alexander uses language to explore and represent her fractured identity. Read the passage from the 1845 Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave, noting such elements as syntax, figurative language, and selection of detail. Write an essay in which you identify stylistic elements that distinguish third paragraph from the rest of the passage and discuss how that difference is significantUsing your own critical understanding of contemporary society, agree or disagree with Neil Postmanââ¬â¢s assertion that Aldous Huxleyââ¬â¢s vision of society in Brave New World is more relevant today than is George Orwellââ¬â¢s in 1984. 1998Paying particular attention to tone, analyze the techniques Charles Lamb uses to decline William Wordsworthââ¬â¢s invitation to visit him in the country. From Henry Jamesââ¬â¢s novel The Portrait of a Lady, read the conversation between Madame Merle and Isabel Archer, noting their conflicting views about what constitutes the self. In a persuasive essay, demonstrate which of the two conceptions of the self has greater validity. Use specific evidence from your observation, experience or reading. After reading the two letters between an executive of the Coca-Cola company and a representative of Grove Press, analyze the rhetorical strategies each writer uses to achieve his purpose and explain which letter offers the more persuasive case. 1999After reading two passages about Floridaââ¬â¢s Okefenokee Swamp, analyze how the distinctive style of each reveals the purpose of its writer. After reading the [3 columns long] opening from Jamaica Kincaidââ¬â¢s essay, ââ¬Å"On Seeing England for the First Time,â⬠analyze the rhetorical strategies Kincaid employs to convey her attitude toward England. After thinking about the implications of the excerpt from Antigone, explore the validity of the assertion that ââ¬Å"The only / Crime is pride. â⬠Use examples from your reading, observation, or experience. 2000Eudora Welty recalls reading and books that influenced her craft as a writer. Analyze how Weltyââ¬â¢s language conveys intensity and value of reading. George Mohandas Orwell uses Gandhi to argue for choosing human imperfection over sainthood. Analyze how Orwell criticizes Gandhiââ¬â¢s position & how Orwell develops his own position. Paraphrase King Learââ¬â¢s comment that wealth covers sin and injustice. Defend, challenge, or qualify his view of the relationship between wealth and justice. 2001George Eliotââ¬â¢s letter to an American woman M. F. Peirce. Analyze the rhetorical strategies Eliot uses to establish her position about the development of a writer. Analyze how Mary Oliverââ¬â¢s style about owls conveys the complexity of her response to nature. Support, refute, qualify Susan Sontagââ¬â¢s claim that photography limits understanding of the world. Use appropriate evidence. 2002Lincolnââ¬â¢s Second Inaugural Address was a short speech in which he contemplated the effects of the Civil War and offered his vision for the future. Analyze the rhetorical strategies Lincoln used to achieve his purpose. Analyze how Virginia Woolf uses language to convey the lasting significance of moments she recalls from her childhood spent in a seaside village in Cornwall, England. Support, refute, or qualify Czech writer Milan Kunderaââ¬â¢s claims as expressed in an excerpt from Testaments Betrayed. Use appropriate evidence. 2003Defend, challenge, qualify Neal Gablerââ¬â¢s assertion that entertainment has the capacity to ruin society. Analyze the methods of Alfred Greenââ¬â¢s 1861 speech to persuade his fellow African Americans to join the Union forces. Compare and contrast how John James Audubon and Annie Dillard each describe a flock of birds in flight and how they convey the birdsââ¬â¢ effect on the writer as observer. 2004Analyze how the rhetorical strategies used by Lord Chesterfield in his letter to his son revel his own values. Choose a controversial local, national, or global issue with which you are familiar and use appropriate evidence I an essay that carefully considers the opposing positions on this controversy ad proposes a solution or compromise. Analyze how Richard Rodriguez uses contrasts between central Mexico and California to convey and explore his conflicting feelings in an excerpt from Days of Obligation. 2005Passage from ââ¬Å"Training for Statesmanshipâ⬠by George Kennan. Select his most compelling observation and consider the extent to which that observation holds true. A mock press release from The Onion. Analyze the strategies used in the article to satirize how products are marketed to consumers. Peter Singer argues that prosperous people should donate to overseas aid organizations all money not needed for the basic requirements of life. Evaluate the pros and cons of his argument and indicate which position you find more persuasive. 2005 Form BLecture delivered in Boston in 1832 by Maria Stewart, African American educator and writer. Analyze the rhetorical strategies Stewart uses to convey her position. John Barry describes the complex mechanics of the Missippppi River in Rising Tide: Te Great Mississippi Flood of 1927 and How It Changed America. Analyze how Barry communications his fascination with the river to his readers. Passage from The Medusa and the Snail by Lewis Thomas. Drawing on your own reading and experience, write an essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies Thomasââ¬â¢s claims. 2006Jennifer Priceââ¬â¢s essay examines the popularity of the pink plastic flamingo in the 1950s. Analyze how Price crafts the text to reveal her view of U. S. culture. William Hazlittââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"On the Want of Money. â⬠Analyze the rhetorical strategies he uses to develop his position about money. From talk radio to television w, to popular magazines to Web blogs ordinary citizens, political figures, and entertainers express their opinions on a wide range of topics. Take a position on the value of such public statements of opinion. 2006 Form BIn a well-written essay that draws upon your reading, experience, or observations for support, take position on the issue of compulsory voting. Passage from George Bernard Shawââ¬â¢s Saint Joan. Analyze the rhetorical strategies the Inquisitor uses to argue his case against Joan. Passage by philosopher Arthur Shopenhauer. Write an essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies one of Shopenhauerââ¬â¢s claims. 2007First Synthesis Question ââ¬â based on six sources, all about advertising. Develop a position on the effects of advertising and synthesize at least three of the sources for support. In Staying Put: Making a Home in a Restless World, Scott Russell Sanders responds to an essay by Salman Rushdie, both of which discuss the effect of mass migrations. Analyze the strategies Sanders uses to develop his perspective about moving. Develop a position on the ethics of offering incentives for charitable acts and support your position with evidence from your reading, observation, and/or experience. 2007 Form BBased on six sources concerning museum artifacts and decisions made to include a particular piece of art or an artifact. Develop a position on the most important considerations facing the person responsible for securing a new work of art or an artifact for a museum. Synthesize at least three of the sources for support. In the Introduction to Poison Penmanship: The Gentle Art of Muckraking, Jessica Mitford says that it is an honor to be considered a muckraker. Do you agree or do you think that journalists who search out and expose real or apparent misconduct go too far in the pursuit of their stories. Explain your position. Speech delivered by Wendell Phillips, a prominent white American abolitionist, praising Toussaint Louverture, Haitian liberator. Analyze the strategies the speaker uses to praise his subject and move his audience. 2008Based on seven sources concerning the elimination of the penny as the smallest American denomination. Develop a position on whether or not the penny should be eliminated and synthesize at least three of the sources for support. Passage from John M. Barryââ¬â¢s The Great Influenza. Analyze how Barry uses rhetorical strategies to characterize scientific research. Some people argue that corporate partnerships are a necessity for cash-strapped schools. Others argue that schools should provide an environment free from ads and corporate influence. Using appropriate evidence, write an essay in which you evaluate the pros and cons of corporate sponsorship fro schools and indicate why you find one position more persuasive than the other. 2008 Form BBased on six sources concerning a defined national school curriculum. Develop a position on whether or not there should be specific texts that all students of high school English should read. Synthesize at least three of the sources for support. Passage from ââ¬Å"America Needs Its Nerdsâ⬠by Leonid Fridman. Analyze how Fridman develops his argument. Read an excerpt from The Decline of Radicalism by Daniel Boorstin and consider the implications of the distinction Boorstin makes between dissent and disagreement. Defend, challenge, or qualify Boosrtinââ¬â¢s distinction. 2009Based on eight sources concerning space exploration. Develop a position about what issues should be considered most important in making decisions about space exploration and synthesize at least three of the sources for support. Two passages from Edwin Wilsonââ¬â¢s The Future of Life satirizing the language of two groups that hold opposing attitudes about environmentalism. Analyze how Wilsonââ¬â¢s satire illustrates the unproductive nature of such discussions. Write an essay that defends, challenges, or qualifies Horaceââ¬â¢s assertion that the role of adversity (financial or political hardship, danger, misfortune, etc. ) plays in developing a personââ¬â¢s character. Support your argument with evidence from your reading, observation, or experience 2009 Form BBased on seven sources concerning public education. Choose an issue related to the tension in schools between individuality and conformity. Write an essay in which you use this issue to argue the extent to which schools should support individuality or conformity. Synthesize at least three of the sources for support. Passage from ââ¬Å"The Indispensable Oppositionâ⬠by Walter Lippman. Analyze the strategies Lippman uses to develop his argument. Passage from The Worst Years of Our Lives by Barbara Ehrenreich, about life in the 1980s. Support, refute, or qualify Ehrenreichââ¬â¢s assertions about television.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Establishing Effective Working Relationship Essay
Establishing effective working relationship is one of the domain in the Nursing and Midwifery Councilââ¬â¢s core competencies which have to be achieved in order to become a mentor (NMC 2006) I will discuss the important aspects mentor needs to consider during the initial interview with my learner. This time my learner is a new member of the staff. On his first day, I introduced myself, orientated and welcomed him to the unit. Nickin and Kenworthy ( 2000) mention orientation to a new placement (in my case a new job placement) as a key issue in practice learning climate. Competency pack was discussed including all his learning contracts and eventually agreed to a one month supernumery status and regular meetings for evaluation. I tried to established a professional yet relaxed relationship with the learner. This enables the learner to be more comfortable. Spouse (1996) cited in Buttleworth et al ( 1998) highlighted that learning in clinical practice works best when mentors develop a caring and trusting relationship with the learner. Amongst the learning needs he identified was the familiarization of the fasting guidelines. Exploring that learning outcome, we have discussed that every learning outcomes should be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time bound (SMART). The NMC in 2006 requires mentors to support students or learners in critically reflecting upon their learning. Knowles (1984) discusses the learnerââ¬â¢s involvement in identifying their learning needs, mutual planning, formulation of objectives and helping the learners to carry out their plan. Initiating a day with an aneasthetist will give my learner an opportunity for more understanding of his learning needs, and eventually be able to confidently practice his learnings. Indeed it is true that there are vast learning opportunities offered if not, available in their new practice placement or a new job placement. But I always believe that it is largely the learnerââ¬â¢s responsibi lity to capitalize on their learning opportunities offered to them. Saarikoski (2003) defines a clinical learning environment as a group of stable characteristics unique to a particular clinical setting that have an impact on the behaviour of individuals within the setting. Learning opportunities available in the placement of a new job were identified initially. Few of which are venipuncture skills, communication skills, learning surgical procedures in an in depth manner, and understanding and interpretation of blood results. Thorell-Ekstrand and Bjorvell (1995) and Donaldson and Carter (2005 said, that clinical placement provides learner with optimal opportunities to observe role models, practice on their own and reflect on what is seen, heard, sensed and done. An initial performance review is set. This enables the mentor and the learner to review all learning needs were met and up to date. Considering any problems being encountered during the process. Considering learners weak and strong points. Miller and Oââ¬â¢Brien (1986) identified that regular meetings and development of an action plan aids on going evaluation of the learners progress. Stuart (2007) states that, the initial interview or meeting is an ideal opportunity for the mentor to commence a facilitative relationship with the learner. Being a new member of the staff, I have to consider previous work experience. Stuart (2007) also suggest that an evaluation of the learnerââ¬â¢s learning must be considered, as this will guide subsequent pl ans for learning. Conclusion I am confident that after considering all the factors during the initial interview, my learner will be able to adjust well in his new work environment. I have always been approachable and an open minded person. I am certain it will help me and my learner to work very well and produce a good if not an excellent outcome. Ogier (1989:37) stated that ââ¬Å"facilitating learning cannot be divorced from competent management and humane relationshipâ⬠.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Critique of Pastor Bobs Sermon
Critique of Pastor Bobs Sermon Free Online Research Papers Never having been to this church, I was thoroughly impressed with Pastor Bobââ¬â¢s sermon. It was obvious he prepared extensively for his performance and it made his message that much more memorable. He explained to us that he was visiting from Trenton, NJ so it was nice to have a different perspective, a fresh take on things. Although you go to church knowing you will be preached to about Jesus and God, it is not just that. There are life lessons to be learned, they can be applied to everyday life, and he did a good job at teaching us something meaningful through his speech, which is not easy to do. He used a thesis, posing a question if we truly know what it means to be baptized and if we are truly living our lives as disciples of Jesus Christ. He began by telling a story about the bible and Jesusââ¬â¢ baptism, then explained his own experience in baptizing and finally transitioned back to the message, relating everything to the bible. This made the sermon extremely easy to follow, always tying things together, and restating his thesis from the start of the speech to the conclusion of it. He ended things on a light note with a joke, which kept the message serious, but at the same time kept your attention with a pinch of humor. He used eye contact, switching focus on one side to the other between points because the church is split into two sides. The layout of this church would be very challenging for me because the podium is facing a wall and there are people on the left and right side of it. Pastor Bob, however, utilized his space by not using the podium at all and slightly moving from the left to the right of the stage throughout the sermon. In addition, his gestures made him seem very sure of himself, moving his arms and hands in sync to his words. Not to mention his voice was very impressive, it would lower when saying something very serious at times but then to emphasize a certain sentence or point he would get loud. When speaking on a lighter subject or telling his jokes he spoke in an uplifting manner and had a constant smile on his face which in turn put a smile on everybody elseââ¬â¢s faces. The observable reaction of the audience was that everyone was listening very attentively. The audience either smiled or laughed when he gave a joke. Moreover, most apparent, was that everyone was nodding in agreement during most of the sermon, just showing him respect. The climate was a little unsure at first because he was new and began with a standard story. As he continued, the standard story transitioned into a very good point and the climate changed to everyone agreeing and accepting his message with open arms. Some might have thought the sermon was a little drawn out; church did get out ten minutes later than usual. It is possible that people who had somewhere to go either stopped listening at 7:00 or left, those people would not have gotten the whole intended message. He could have improved the speech by cutting those extra ten minutes out and by doing so keeping everyone happy. In addition, he could have started directly with his thesis and then gone into the story instead of beginning with the story, which probably did not interest everyone right away. I learned that practice truly does make perfect, Pastor Bob has years and years of experience, and it showed in his execution of getting his strong message across. I realized that the space you give your speech in can have unexpected obstacles, improvising with the space given and making sure everyone feels included is crucial. Keeping everyone interested is probably most vital and this speech taught me that subtle jokes could increase interest, while also reinforcing the underlying message. I also realized that you do not have to be someone that your audience already knows and likes in order for them to be open to what you are saying. It, in turn, boosted my confidence in myself as a speaker because Pastor Bob was virtually unknown to the entire audience. In future speeches of mine I will try to display more confidence, because I saw such a strong example I know I can do better. Being passionate when speaking can increase interest in your audience as well and in future speeches I wi ll do my best to choose a topic I can put my heart into, not just see it as an assignment. Preparation is imperative and it is something I have slacked on in the past, it really improves fluency and credibility because you have less hang-ups and just sound more informed. So in future speeches I will rehearse and practice as much as I can before giving them. This sermon definitely taught me a lot about public speaking and I would most likely think back and refer to it whenever I write a speech in the future. Research Papers on Critique of Pastor Bob's SermonThe Masque of the Red Death Room meaningsComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Hockey GameBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XTrailblazing by Eric AndersonWhere Wild and West Meet19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraRelationship between Media Coverage and Social andQuebec and CanadaAnalysis Of A Cosmetics Advertisement
Monday, November 4, 2019
Why did communist governments rapidly collapse throughout Europe Essay
Why did communist governments rapidly collapse throughout Europe during the late 1980s and early 1990s - Essay Example For instance, US which eventually supported Europe by pushing for democracy with the intention of overthrowing Sovietââ¬â¢s autocratic leadership. The US gained support from the people though its intervention did not help much in liberation of the majority. However, their ââ¬Å"diplomaticâ⬠intervention contributed immensely to the communismââ¬â¢s collapse by interfering with its (soviet) leadership. This is evident with the then periodââ¬â¢s Reagan doctrine whose core purpose encompassed aiding anticommunist movements. Reagan in his quest to thwart communistââ¬â¢s threats and safeguard USââ¬â¢s interests, he embarked on constructive peacetime strategy that up to date comprise the worldââ¬â¢s history. Consequently, this led to signing of subsequent treaties with Soviet aimed at both reducing and shunning any intentions of launching nuclear missiles either in space or land-based (Louka 353). Since, they were detrimental to humanityââ¬â¢s existence (Louka 353 ). This was Reaganââ¬â¢s rapport to destabilize and weaken states that seemed hostile to USââ¬â¢ interests. Therefore, this intervention besides other varied strategies by US undercover utterly rendered Sovietââ¬â¢s regime extremely weak to the extent of not being able to subdue states, which it had conquered. Since, they continued to receive support from outside in form of establishing movements, for instance, Polandââ¬â¢s Solidarity Trade union (Shevel 228). Solidarity in Poland acted as an umbrella of all anticommunist movements in the country whereby its action was immense to the then incumbent regime. Gradually, these Round The table negotiations and strong oppositions emanating from demonstrating workers or movements in varied states led to the collapse of communist system (Shevel 228). Another reason was due to the emergency of nationalism, which not only acted as a democratic project but also an anticommunist force. Nationalism received an immense support especia lly by numerous Communist dominated states that were in quest of liberty and evading Marxist theory. This was democratization process, which received support both from citizens and Polish Catholic Church whereby the latter rejected Soviet way of governance (Muehlenbeck 248). This is because almost all other religions in the state were under the control of Soviet except catholic church that assumed a unique position, hence resulted to offering support to the varied anticommunist movements (nationalism being one of them) (Muehlenbeck 248). Hence, actions of both nationalism and Polish Catholic Church against communist acted as an example to other states that were under the dominion of soviet, which also adopted the same agitation (Muehlenbeck 248). Communist governments in Europe lacked proper strategies both for infrastructure and economic reinvestment. The mainstream regime instead emphasized on military power with the intention of thwarting threats from other global states that sho wed interests in Europe, for instance, US. Poor economic investment yielded to numerous demonstrations especially by workers who cited they were experiencing underpayment besides other varied bad conditions while working. Hence, prompting citizens and powerful movements translate the presence of soviet in Europe did not have any significant impact but to dehumanize the ordinary people. Inadequate economic investment emanated from self-interests that characterized the leaders of the day besides the mainstream soviet regime instead of elevating the ordinary. This fueled the aspect of quick democratization in all states; Poland acting as an example that successfully managed to defy communism (Muehlenbeck 248).
Saturday, November 2, 2019
The Life and Achievements of Mao Zedong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Life and Achievements of Mao Zedong - Essay Example He attended a village school and gained basic education subsequent to going back to toil in the fields. His father wanted him to marry at 14 years, Mao Tse-tung was too ambitious, and he declined (Cheek Web). He left home when around 16 years and joined a secondary school in Changsha to accomplish his passion for education. The revolution of 1911against the Qing government erupted while he was 17 years. The revolution, which Mao supported, resulted in overthrow of Qing dynasty. He later joined and served in the Republican army before resuming his studies at Changsha. The republican government was disorganized and unsuccessful in most of it undertakings (Andrew and Rapp 290-300). Mao graduated from middle school after which he joined Beijing University where he devoted himself to Marxism. He wrote and published journals to advocate for reforms. Still at the University, he met with Li Dazhao and Chen Duxiu the initiators of Chinese Communist Party, which he later became the chairperson . While at the university, he developed into a radical intellectual and together with other drastic intellectuals, he pioneered Marxist Theory between 1918 and 1919. After returning to Changsha, he became increasingly affectionate of Russian revolution as well as Marxism (Andrew and Rapp 43). In 1920, he settled in Changsha where he still wrote articles as well as planned labor unions. He also joined Nationalist Party also referred to as Guomingdang (GMD) and worked toward uniting it with CCP hoping to form a solitary nationalist government. However, CPP was growing rampantly and leaders of GMD started causing havoc, which caused execution of some communist leaders leading to a split and great enmity between CPP and GMD. Uprisings between CCP and GMD made Mau flee to mountains in Jiangxi province with his army. He thus became separated from CCP activities as he was more occupied in training his army (Jiang 22). In 1929, Mau together with some CCP leaders formed the Jiangxi Soviet, w hich was constantly attacked by the anti-communist GMD. In 1934, CPP loyalist matched from Jiangxi Soviet to Shaanxi in the illustrious ââ¬Å"Long Marchâ⬠after which Mao was elevated to a higher rank in CPP leadership. In 1943, Mao became the Chairman of Communist Central Committee (Terril 150). During most of this period, Japanese had invaded some parts of China until 1945 after America bombing at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Controversy heightened between CCP and GMD till around 1949 when GMD was defeated, its leader together with it army fled to Taiwan, and Mao launched Peopleââ¬â¢s Republic of China (Cheek Web) From 1966 to 1976, Mao launched Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution with which he activated students to stub out old traditions, which gave rise to chaos. 1n 1972, Mao invited united president Richard Nixon to china, an abysmal action after years of bad Sino- American relations. Mao Tse-tung died at 81 years in 1976. Mao is attributed for several achievements. He i s remembered for leading the Chinaââ¬â¢s communist revolution. He was so charismatic that his utterances mobilized million of people. He is termed as the most influential Chinaââ¬â¢s leader of the 20th century who revolutionized china to modern world. Some Chinese frequently criticized the imperialism, which they claimed was undermining the Chinese culture and beliefs (Terril 98). However, Mao worked hard to bring change and civilization in China. His
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